The Minilectureship Award

Purpose of Award 

For exemplary international leadership and contributions within the professions represented by Epsilon Pi Tau.

Entry will consist of a manuscript for a mini-lecture on a topic of current professional concern selected by the candidate. If presented, it will not exceed 15 to 20 minutes in time.


Eligibility Criteria

Any member who is in good standing (current dues paid).


Criteria for Nomination and Selection

  • Written presentation reflecting high standards of professional thought with implications for oral presentation. 
  • Originality  
  • Significance to profession
  • Overall execution 


One $500.00 award per region


Submission Instructions

  1. Scan any supporting documents (the abstract, nomination letter, signed letters of support, supplementary evidence, etc.) into a single pdf file.
  2. Title the files as follows: Your Name-title of Award Nomination-Region. (e.g., Jane Smith-Undergraduate Student Award-Region 3.pdf.)
  3. Complete the online Award Application Form (below) and attach the pdf file in the area provided at the end of the form.

If you have questions, please contact the International Office at