The Paul T. Hiser Award recognizes the best article of the year appearing in The Journal of Technology Studies, the refereed publication of Epsilon Pi Tau. The Board of Directors established this award for deserving scholars. In recognition for his exemplary service to the profession and the honor society as a Trustee and Director, the award bears Dr. Hiser's name. It is given to the author or authors of articles judged to be the best of those published each year. A $300 award recognizes the recipient(s) and may be presented during an Epsilon Pi Tau program at an annual professional association conference.
Selection Process
Each member of the Editorial Board votes for the manuscript that he or she considers the best of those reviewed during the year. The Board of Editors recommends articles based on their evaluation against specific criteria.
Hiser Award Recipients
2022 Lean Six Sigma Body of Knowledge for Healthcare Industry Administrators: Implementation of Lessons Learned in Applied Engineering |
2021 "Pandemic -Induced Impacts: Experience in an Introductory Engineering Graphics Course" |
2020 "Reinventing High School: Understanding the Challenges and Successes of Transforming Education to Meet Student, Society, and Industry Needs" |
2019 "Technology and Engineering Education Teacher Commitment: An Analysis of Educator Supports and Demands" "What Middle School Students Know About Careers and the Influences Surrounding Their Choices" |
2018 "A Century of Perspectives that Influenced the Consideration of Technology as a Critical Component of STEM Education in the United States” "Profile of Workforce Development Educators: A Comparative Credential, Composition, and Characteristic Analysis” |
2017 "Cyber-supported Professional Learning Experiences that Build Technology and Engineering Educators’ Practice" |
2016 "STEM in General Education: Does Mathematics Competence Influence Course Selection" |
2015 "The “Who, What, and How Conversation”: Characteristics and Responsibilities of Current In-Service |
2014 "Characteristics of Today's Applied Engineering College-Level Educator" |
2013 "The Role of Innovation Education in Student Learning, Economic Development, and University Engagement" |
2012 John M. Ritz and P. Scott Bevins "Economics, Innovations, Technology, and Engineering Education: The Connections" "Enviro Tech: Student Outcomes of an Interdisciplinary Project That Linked Technology and Environment" |
2011 "Mentoring Teachers in Technology Education: Analyzing the Need" |
2010 "Technology Education to Engineering: A Good Move?” |
2009 "Nano Revolution - Big Impact: How Emerging Nanotechnologies Will Change the Future of Education and Industry in America (and More Specifically in Oklahoma) An Abbreviated Account" |
2008 "Perceptions of Students' Learning Critical Thinking Through Debate in a Technology Classroom: A Case Study" |
2007 "Exploring the Influence of New Technology Planning and Implementation on the Perceptions of New Technology Effectiveness" "The Education of Indentured Servants in Colonial America" |
2006 "Reactors, Weapons, X-Rays, and Solar Panels: Using SCOT, Technological Frame, Epistemic Culture, and Actor Network Theory to Investigate Technology" |
2005 "A Historical Chronology of the Plight of African Americans Gaining Recognition in Engineering and Technology" |
2004 "Leadership Knowledge and Skill: An Enabler for Success as a Technology Education Teacher-Leader" |
2003 "Portfolios: Conceptual Foundations and Functional Implications" |
2002 "Samson's Hair: Denuding the Technology Curriculum" |
2001 "Gender Disparity in Third World Technological, Social, and Economic Development" "Alternative Routes to Certification of Technology Education Teachers" |
2000 "Web-Based Portfolios for Technology Education: A Personal Case Study" |
1999 "Demographic & Economic Trends : Implications for Education & Industry" |
1998 "An International Overview of Curricular Applications & Models in Technology Education" "Reflections of Technology in the Past, Present, and Future" |
1997 "From Industrial Arts to Technology Education: The Search for Direction" |
1996 "Gender Related to Success in Science and Technology" |
1995 "Industrial Arts Movement's History, Vision, and Ideal: Relevant, Contemporary, Used but Unrecognized - Part II" |
1994 "Creativity Revisited: A Synopsis of Theories of Creativity Since 1950" "Implications of Cognitive Science for Instructional Design in Technology Education" |
1993 "Factors Influencing Minority Enrollment on Postsecondary Vocational Education Programs in the State of Iowa" "Entropy and Technological Learning: A Cognitive Approach" |
1992 "Authentic Assessment in Technology Education" "The Evolution of Current Practice in Technology" |
1991 "Quality Training Needs of Smaller Industries: An Opportunity for Technology Educators" "Environment Impacts: The Role of Plastics" |
1990 "The Renewal Process: For Individual and Organizational Development in Technology Education" |
1989 "Conceptualizing Curriculum Change" |
1988 The Microelectronic Revolution and Workers Skills: A Review of Controversial Issues" |
1987 "Science and Technology; An Analysis of Meaning" |
1986 "Mentors and Role Models: Influences on the Professional Career" |
1985 "Production Reconsidered: Implications for Technology Education" |