Governance and Leadership

Governing Documents:  The Code of Epsilon Pi Tau includes a Constitution and By-Laws. It is designed to ensure input and participation from all members and chapters. The By-Laws prescribe the governing bodies and how they are organized. The Board of Directors’ functions and responsibilities and the operations of the international organization are detailed. Information upon which chapters can base their own By-Laws is provided.

Governing Bodies: Chapters (campus and field) and groupings for at-large members are the basic governing units. For governance purposes, the world is divided into five geographic regions that cover the chapters and member units. Each region has an elected Regional Director who represents and serves the region and serves on a five-member Board of Directors. Elected on a staggered basis for a three-year term, the Regional Director must have served as a chapter Trustee (advisor) and must achieve a majority of votes of the members and Trustees within the region.

Chapter Trustees must be Epsilon Pi Tau members and meet other performance criteria to be appointed. In the case of campus chapters, recommendations to the Regional Director for the appointment of Trustees are made by a retiring Trustee (in the case of existing chapters), the administrator of the program that sponsors the chapter, and the chapter’s officers and members.  For field chapters, the chapter officers and the retiring Trustee will make the recommendations.   

In voting on Epsilon Pi Tau matters, such as elections to the board or amendments to the Code, chapter Trustees are expected to share information with chapter officers and members and to consider their views in casting votes.

Board policy execution and normal business operations are the responsibility of the board-appointed Executive Director, Associate Executive Directors, and staff persons who are appointed by the Executive Director with board approval.

The staff and the board conduct two official meetings each year for policy, strategic, and operations planning, budgeting, financial reporting, and assessment of quality of services, with an eye toward their improvement. These meetings are conducted in conjunction with one of the major professional associations for which Epsilon Pi Tau is the official honor society and at which at-large numbers of Epsilon Pi Tau members are present. At these assemblies, the board conducts open Epsilon Pi Tau meetings for Trustees, officers, and members to inform and seek input on organizational matters.