Benefits of Membership

Those considering membership in Epsilon Pi Tau and who may not be completely aware of the power and significance of recognition by an honor society may justifiably ask "What's in it for me?" or "What do I get out of it?" Epsilon Pi Tau's guiding philosophy of career-long association and service to members and technology programs provides a basis for cogent response. Through a member network and Epsilon Pi Tau sponsored events, the organization is in contact with international and domestic leaders in the technology professions.


Epsilon Pi Tau membership benefits include: 



Active members receive two issues of the EPT newsletter The Preceptor, and two on-line issues (in one combined volume) of The Journal of Technology Studies annually.



Members-only access to the Epsilon Pi Tau web site.



Eligibility to compete for the annual Warner Awards.


Social Benefits

Closer academic, professional, and social relationships with the faculty and fellow EPT members at your university, and with EPT members at other universities with Epsilon Pi Tau chapters.


Professional Advancement

Epsilon Pi Tau membership has been proudly noted on resumes for more than 90 years.  Such recognition has been and is likely to continue to be an item that prospective employers value in a resume. Epsilon Pi Tau reinforces resume notations for active members by providing confirmation of membership and the honor society’s high academic and leadership standards in support of graduate school applications and to potential employers when so requested.


Employment Opportunities

Companies give added consideration to honor society members who have already demonstrated that they have something extra.


Leadership Opportunities

Employers look for signs of potential leadership characteristics among the students they interview. Officer positions and the worthwhile projects carried out by the chapters provide excellent opportunities for the acquisition of leadership experience and the satisfaction of accomplishment.


Affiliate Scholarships

Open to any student who is a member of an ACHS member society (i.e. Epsilon Pi Tau members).